September to end October are the ideal months for harvesting the great British cooking apple, the Bramley. Whether you're lucky enough to have your own Bramley Apple Tree or bought from the market you know they are fresh and haven't travelled round the world to get here. Make the most of our patriotic apple, excellent in cooking, tangy to taste and stores* brilliantly for use during the winter months.

Uncooked Apple Chutney

As this chutney is uncooked it is very quick to make, you'll impress yourself how easy it was and stores well for the coming Winter months, if not years!

For 7-8 jars

900g Bramley apples, peeled & cored

450g onions, quartered

450g stoned dates

450g sultanas

450g demerara sugar

1 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp salt

Cayenne pepper, to taste

450ml white wine vinegar

Chop the apples, onions & dates or pulse them carefully in a food processor (don't over do it, you don't want a purée). Put the mixture in a large china bowl and add the sultanas, sugar, ginger, salt, cayenne and white wine vinegar. Stir gently till well combined.

Leave for 36 hours, stirring occasionally and then ladle carefully into warm sterilised jars. Cover with wax paper, seal and label. 

Apple & Plum Chutney

For 7-8 jars

450g soft light brown sugar

900g plums, halved and stoned

900g Bramley apples, peeled, cored and chopped

570ml cider vinegar

450g onions, chopped

450g sultanas

2 level tsp salt

1 tsp whole cloves

1 tsp whole allspice

1 tsp black peppercorns

1 medium size piece of root ginger

Pour the sugar in an oven proof bowl and put into a very low oven to warm for about half an hour. Put the halved plums and chopped apples into a large saucepan and add the cider vinegar, onions, sultanas, salt and spices. Bruise the ginger, tie it in a muslin bag and dangle it from the handle into the mixture.

Bring the pan to the boil and simmer gently for about 30 minutes, until the fruit has softened. 

Remove from the heat, discard the ginger and stir in the warmed sugar. Put back on a low heat until the sugar has completely dissolved, then bring to the boil and simmer gently. 

Stir the mixture occasionally to make sure its not sticking to the bottom of the pan. Cook until then mixture has reduced considerably to a thick mass, with only a little excess liquid in the pan (the mixture will continue to thicken as it cools)

Once the chutney has reduced ladle into warm sterilised jars. Cover with wax paper, seal, label and leave for 6 weeks before using. This chutney improves with age. 

*Storing Apples

It is important to store only perfect fruit and on a slatted tray to help air circulate. They are best kept in cool, dry dark conditions, individually wrapped in newspaper. If you have a garage or tool shed, put them there, or line a drawer with newspaper in the coolest room in the house. 

Favourite recipes from Sarah Raven's Garden Cookbook

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